
Last time I blogged was almost a month ago. Scary.
I go to school in 6 days. I`m more excited than what words can express.
The only sucky thing is, like always, my family. Wanna know why my dad isn't joining us in EL?
He's taking my little brother to Michigan Adventures, that's why. =|. Yup.
Because getting in the wave pool is more important than seeing me transition into another phase in my life.
I`m getting reeeeally hard to leave this shit roll off my back. After almost 18 years of having to deal with this shit, it doesn't get easier.
I`m almost last, it feels like.
Aah well! When I`m successful, he'll have his hand out.
I`ll give him the voucher for the nursing home. ^_^.

On the 13th my 4 year old cousin Symara was killed in a car accident.
Fucked me up. She was four, for one.
Two, I didn't know her well.
My only memory of lil mama was when she was a baby, and I had gone over their house after going to the eye doctor. She kept trying to snatch the black sunglasses off of my face.
Aaaah, =\.
At least she isn't suffering in this world, you know...

I`m just really ready to start classes.. I`m just not sure how I`m going to pay for all of my books and whatnot. =\. I need a miracle, like now.
I hate struggling.
This shall pass. I just need to start a job right quick.

I need to finish The Soloist so I can regain my social life. Lol.
