It wasn't a 4-bus long trip, luckily. Only two, and we got there in less than an hour.
I might have to do that more often.
I think I`m the only teenager that reads Jackie Collins books. They're usually geared towards the middle-aged, but they're fucking great. Everyone should read American Star at least once. I read it went I was 12, lmfao.
Anywho, I had a fairly nice day. Mom & I didn't argue. Brandon's over: he came to the library with me, because I didn't want to catch all of those buses by myself.
I feel happier.
Yaaaay, right?
I do have a bangin` ass headache, though. Too much Burger King'll do that shit to you, =\.
I thought about catching up on my birth control, but then I decided against it. that would mean a double dose of the shit, & I really don't want to do that. Hallelujah for me going back to the damn doctor in July. I`m almost certain my gyno is trying to kill me with all of these pills that make me want to kill myself. MEH.
July is going to be fun. There will be a lot of activities. ^_^ Wheeee. I go up to MSU then, too. Twice. ^_^. My AOP is on the 7th, & I`m nervous as hellllll... Idk what to expect, but everyone else said that they freakin` loved their day up there, and didn't wanna go home. I'm just nervous. I`m not sure if people will like me, or what.. Lol. Then I go to MAGIC for a week. 19th-24th. ^_^. I`m really excited about that, although not really because those dorms don't have air. Well eff my life.. Lol.
I`m just really excited for the fall. I`m just ready to be a nurse, already. Lol. I want to see the moneyyyyy. I want to be an adult, maaaan. Graduating from high school made me feel no different, actually. I`m doing the same shit I was doing in high school. I`m actually milder than I was in 9th grade! Meh.
I should reeeeeeallly stop rambling, lol.
rambling = windows to the sould sometimes, tho
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