

Aunt Portia died yesterday. I`m afraid of calling Heidi or Grandmama, because I can't stand the pain. I'm doing pretty well, and it will all crumble if I hear one of them even sniffle. =\. I hate this. It hasn't sunk in that she isn't physically here. She was seemingly fine when I saw her in January. I hate the way things change so quickly, man. The funeral is on Monday. Can I do it? =\.

Thursday was one of the longest days of my life.. I went to school, I came home and did homework and cleaned up, and then it was off to the Big Sean x Dusty x Drake concert. Talk about a long ass concert, for beginners. I practically MADE myself be outgoing, and I made a few new friends doing so, although they all still out-loud me. Lol. My weird crush on A isn't going away, and it's creeping me out. It doesn't help that people KNOW that I like him.. which means that this is going away any time soon, huh? Either way, I get shivers all up and down my body, even though they shouldn't be there .. I can't explain it. He's one of those .. 'unreachable' niggas to me. I`m a 17 year old nobody, whereas he's... Almost/Finally Famous. Haha. I love my humor. Either way .. I don't know. I`ll get over the whole thing eventually.

Btw, getting home at 7:30 is NO HOE. I was up for literally twenty-four hours. Oh, to make a few people jealous, Drake was in the hotel room next to ours, so I can officially say I`ve been closer to him than most.

I met a few people from Finally Famous, & I really thought they were going to be dickheads, but they really aren't. They're cool as hell, and I wouldn't mind hanging with them again. They make me laugh.

In other news, my prom is in about 2 weeks. I`m sort of excited. Not all the way excited because I didn't want to go in the first place. Kind of excited because my shoes are fucking beautiful. My only hang up is WHO THE FUCK IS GOING TO DO MY HAIR. no no no, HOW am I going to have it? It's stressful. Andddd I have to make nail appointments and whatnot! Stressssfull.

Graduation = June 5th. I need to find a place to have my dinner.

I appreciate the 'greenery' outside.

Supposedly, my mom is buying me another iTouch today. I`m trying not to get too happy about it, just in case she changes her mind or something. But, just in case, I`m about to go put on clothes.

Au revoir.